Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Travis has started his own law practice!


Jack tested out his office chair for him.

Don't know why they both had sleepy eyes that day. Must have been all the moving of boxes.

Jack is up to 11 pounds. I know I'm accounting for every pound here, but when your little guy is born weighing less than a watermelon, every bit counts. Can't pick up the monkey with one hand anymore. I love the little fat rolls he's getting.



I just love this face. He's perplexed by something his mobile is doing.


He's also working on his push-ups. Gotta be buff for Luci!


Jack is 15 weeks and 4 days old.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chunky Monkey

I forgot! Jack is now over 10 pounds. He's more than doubled his birth weight. I think he could probably be gaining faster, but he seems to be doing pretty well.

And he's learning to turn himself onto his side. Time to be careful about where we leave him.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Three Months Old

Jack is three months old now. It's hard to believe he's been here that long. He's finally gotten less colicky, and more smiley, although today was an exception.

He loves to smile at the mobile over his crib, and is addicted to his swing. He is a little superbaby when his daddy flies him in the air - this also makes him quit crying.

He's 10 pounds, so still small, but growing. His eyes are so blue, like his dad's side of the family. Look how much he's grown since his last picture on the changing pad.

Jack loves his daddy

Jack is 3 months, 6 days old